Puerto Rican National Team Member has Great Short Course Championships

Fernando Sedano-Roman had an increadible Short Course Nationals this past weekend.  He won the championship for his age category.  The competition took place at the San Juan Natatorium. For more information on the Natatorium: http://www.sanjuannatatorium.org/

The following are his times in SCM:

EVENT                     SEED TIME                     TIME                 PLACE

50 free:                       27:54                               27:14                  2nd
200 free:                     2:08:33                            2:08:01                1st
200 IM:                       2:52:73                            2:28:93                1st
50 fly:                         30:06                               29:28                   1st
400 free                     4:30:19                            4:26:80                1st
100 free                     1:00:72                            59:54                   1st

Great job Fernado!